Wednesday, May 4, 2011

SYF Pt 3

PJ: Pre: HB Actual: B

Had split notes and generally airy tone; rushing for certain bits of cantate

NJ: Pre: HG/ GwH Actual: G

Although they had pitch problems and a tendency to go flat (esp for the set piece), there were some magical moments for the second piece. The last piece also showcased their technical abilities - control and subtlety in phrasing.

TPJ: Pre: HS Actual: S

Pitch problems for set piece; was best IMHO for the third piece - basses and tenors had many nice moments - esp with the intervals, however the piece was repetitive and was not technically challenging. [edited]

RVHS: Pre: S Actual: G

Had many pitch problems (split notes) and had a tendency to go sharp

AJ: Pre: HG/ GwH Actual: GwH

General tendency to go sharp though the overall performance was alright

CJ: Pre: HS Actual: GwH

Pitching issues - had voices (esp tenors) sticking out for set piece; second piece was generally well done; some phrasing felt disjointed in the third piece

ACJ: Pre: GwH Actual: GwH

Had best interpretation (imho) for set piece; split notes in sops for first two pieces; felt their forte for the first two pieces could have been more (considering their size); tenors could have had a more grounded tone than what was heard

NUS: Pre: CoP/ LB Actual: B

Had many pitch issues for first piece; recovered a little for 2nd and 3rd piece; moments where it was pretty good

VJ: Pre: GwH Actual: GwH

Were generally good pitch-wise; liked the tone of the basses, but didn't feel that intensity that makes u feel like u're listening to magic

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