Thursday, February 19, 2009

Listening Recommendation: Entertainment Choirs

Just last year, BBC One organised "Last Choir Standing", a competition that showcased Britain's snazziest (entertainment) choirs.

No, not your classical variety. Think mainstream hits rearranged for chorus, replete with choreography.

Enjoy the following:

Many local girls' choirs must be familiar with this song.

I'm not really a fan of the runner-up's sound. Girls slightly shrill, and male voices are no good. Too raw and they go flat.

So this is what O Fortuna from Carl Orff's Carmina Burana sounds like. Finally, we learn the name of one of the most recognisable tunes in modern times. The feel from the singing is there, but tone-wise rather weak, especially the male voices.

This one, by the winner of the competition, is aurally very good, although choreography is unpolished.

There's no way such a programme will land up on local shores, although I'm sure the viewership will be of a critical amount (to justify broadcasting) if every single chorister, from school choirs (CCA) or church choirs, in singapore watched it. Sad.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, NBC did this thing called "Clash of the Choirs" during the week before Christmas 2007. They invited celebrities, such as Patti LaBelle, Kelly Rowland, Drew Lachey and Michael Bolton, to be guest conductors, and they scoured their hometowns for talent and formed a soloist based choir! They sang for America every night, who in return voted for their favourite choir. The choir with lowest number of votes would then be eliminated till only one choir remained! That year, I thought Patti LaBelle would win, but turned out Drew Lachey won! So.. go watch! It's pretty fun! (They sang flight of the bumblebee a cappella!)
